Township Treasurer’s office hours are Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9AM – 12 noon.
Wednesdays 1PM – 5PM
White Pigeon Township
16975 US 12 White Pigeon, MI 49099 Phone: (269) 483-7043 Fax: (269) 483-7730 Email: treasurer@whitepigeontwp.com State of Michigan Notary Public ~ a free service to our residents Want to know if your property taxes are paid? Check out our new service: https://is.bsasoftware.com/BSA.IS/default.aspx This information has been made available through a partnership with BS&A Software and White Pigeon Township. You may link to http://WhitePigeonTwp.is.bsasoftware.com or https://is.bsasoftware.com After you have located the White Pigeon Township main page you will need to set up an account. Property owners will have free access to their own information. Others will be charged $2.00 per parcel. When remitting tax payments in cash, please have EXACT amount. Payment via the US Postal Service or the utilization of our 24 hour drop box located outside of the Hall entrance is ENCOURAGED. If receipt beyond canceled check is needed, please provide a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
Property Tax Information
www.stjosephcountymi.org/taxsearch search by owner, parcel # or street address
Dog Licenses:
Dog licenses may be obtained from your vet, Animal Control, the County Treasurer’s office or any Township Treasurer from December 1st through February 28th. Dog licenses are available during the Treasurers tax collection hours with the proper documentation:
- license renewal form from Animal Control
- current rabies information from veterinarian
- payment separate from tax payment
Some of my favorite sites: www.michigantownships.org ………….Great source of information regarding Township Government & Laws
http://www.wpcschools.org./ ……………White Pigeon Community Schools~Elementary, Middle & High Schools
http://www.klingerlakeassociation.org./ ……………Klinger Lake information